Coves & Co. Mediation
As a separate and independent service, we offer skilled mediation and facilitation services in all areas. We realize that courts are sometimes necessary, but in many instances, early and favourable settlements are reached through negotiation, facilitation or mediation. Mediation is a structured negotiation process. It provides a framework for the resolution of disputes through the use of an independent mediator.
Paul Coves is a skilled mediator, with a logical and calm approach to the mediated resolution of pre-litigious and litigious disputes. He mediates and facilitates between two or more individuals, families, corporate entities or community groups. He mediates between parties whether they are legally represented or not.
Paul has an adaptable mediation style. He is flexible in his approach to how, when or where the process takes place. He can tailor mediations to suit the parties’ needs. As a practising lawyer and experienced litigator Paul has an advantage in mediating court related disputes. He can liaise with the parties’ legal representatives to ensure that all necessary preparations are made, and certification given, on completion of the mediation.
He is a:
- Nationally Accredited Mediator;
- registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP);
- practising solicitor with over 20 years of litigation experience in a broad range of disputes;
- member of the Drift and Qld Law Society Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee:
- former mediator with the Qld Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT);
- statutorily appointed mediator with the Qld Department of Justice and Attorney- General Department.
The principal areas of Paul's mediation practice involve commercial, family, wills and estates, partnerships, contract law, and disputes related to rural and regional matters. Because he is an accredited family dispute mediator, he can assist you with parenting arrangements and Section 60I Certificates.
Although Coves & Co. is based in Cleveland, South East Qld, Paul also mediates disputes in Regional Qld and Northern NSW. But he likes to travel, so if you are outside these areas, please call Coves & Co. and we may be able to come to you, wherever you are.
Coves & Co. has very reasonable hourly rates. We do our best to keep your costs to a minimum. We will not pass on extravagant travel and venue costs to you. We have access to many mediation venues throughout Qld, as well as in Northern NSW and will save you both time and money by mediating in a place convenient to you. If we come by plane, it will be an economy seat. If we drive, a modest car expense will be added to your costs, shared by all the parties to the mediation. Please call us to discuss your needs, and we will endeavour to help you resolve your dispute
Coves & Co. T: 07 3822 2274 M: 0438 411 677 enq@coves.com.au